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Agro Vam

Agro Vam



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• Increase nutrient and water absorption. 

• Improve stress tolerance.

• Increase feeder root development and function. 

• Colonize the root zone to provide:- i) Enhance growth and nutrient uptake.

           ii) Resistance to transplant shock. 

           iii) Stress resistance.

           iv) Improved plant quality yield & vigor.


ACTIVE CONSTITUENTS : AgroVAM is an unique fine powder formulation of mycorrhiza based microbes concentrated with optimum quality of naturally derived growth promoting phytocompounds produced by the symbiotic association between a soil fungus Glomus spp. plant root. Mycorrhiza fungus produced an extensive network of microscopic hyphal threads that extends into the surrounding root. AgroVAM is biofertilizer product specially designed to cater the nutritional needs of plant.

      Mycorrhiza are obligate and saprophyte in nature which are totally biotroph and hence require a living host for its survival Endo mycorrhiza on which symbiosis, AgroVAM is prepared contain vesicular Arbascular Mycorrhiza (VAM fungi) which are part of soil biota and present root universally in the soil. The AgroVAM by associating symbiotically with of the plant helps in the greater absorption of phosphorus, water and other important, macro and essential micro elements and making them available to the plants in an easily usable organic form. Besides they are also reported to impart resistance to plant against drought and soil born fungal pathogen and nematodes. 

SALIENT FEATURES :  1) Keep AgroVAM always away from heat and sunlight. 2) Don't mix AgroVAM with Chemical Fertilizer / Chemical pesticides. 3) For best response of AgroVAM use with maximum organic manure.

SUITABLE FOR ALL CROPS : Grapes, Pomegranates, Mango, Banana, Citrus,Tomato, Brinjal, Okra, Chilly, Capsicum, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Onion, Potato, Cucumber, Cotton, Groundnut, Turmeric, Ginger, Gherkins. drenching/Seed treatment/Broadcasting

Application Ratio : Soil Dose: 100-200 gm/acre First application: Seedling deep or soildrenching or drip irrigation at 7-10 days after sowing or transplanting. Second application: Soil drenching at 25 to 30 days after first application

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